12 Benefits Of Educating Your Audience, And How Starbucks Does It Successfully

Educating is so important that Starbucks “spends more on training than it does on advertising,” according to the book The Starbucks Experience, by Joseph A. Michelli.

Here are 12 benefits of educating your audience (in no particular order):

  1. Develops customers’ passion for your product or service.
  2. Customers become more eager to explore what your business offers.
  3. You are seen as a leader and a trusted advisor, rather than someone who handles a transaction.
  4. You become an asset to the community you serve.
  5. Strengthen the emotional connection between your company and your customers.
  6. Delivering content consistently demonstrates your reliability.
  7. Establishes a human connection.
  8. Easy to discover and respond to customer needs in a productive way.
  9. Makes more sophisticated customers.
  10. Makes your product or service more meaningful to your market.
  11. Reduces resistance to your company or your product/service (which typically comes from a lack of information).
  12. Removes obstacles by anticipating and addressing any potential objections to buying.

What are you doing to educate your market on your product? Let me know in the comments!


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