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Case Study: $6,000 From 6 Emails Written In One Power Hour Copywriting Session

Discover how a single Power Hour session generated $6,000 through effective email campaigns, achieving over 12x ROI.

This is how one power hour copywriting session turned into $6,000 from effective email campaigns. It’s no secret that crafting effective email campaigns is a skill that can transform your business. This case study will demonstrate how expertly written emails with a well-thought-out strategy effectively converted readers. My client, who initially struggled with low engagement and canceled events from lack of ticket sales, witnessed an astonishing 12.6x ROI by focusing on targeted, persuasive email content!

Let’s back up and give a little more context first. I wrote their sales page a few months prior to this. However, during this one-hour session, we wrote 6 emails that brought $6000 of early bird sales for their live in-person event! 

Over 12x ROI With Effective Email Campaigns

Unlike the previous year, when poor signups led to a canceled event, this time the client invested in professional copywriting. The results were immediate and impressive, with early bird sales alone outperforming the previous year’s attempts. And we’re still four months out from the live event. This turnaround highlights the power of well-crafted email campaigns and how they can drive significant results when aligned with a clear marketing strategy.

The client actually originally wanted done-for-you copywriting, but that was out of budget. So we decided that Power Hours would be a more budget-friendly option that would still accomplish their goals. It ended up being the better option anyways, because of how much this client personally learned about copywriting and grew in her marketing knowledge as a result of our session together. 

Client Success Stories With Effective Email Campaigns

She got immediate ROI from even just our first hour session together. She got sign ups directly from our emails that we wrote in the first Power Hour. We wrote a good handful of emails from scratch. She also got my Starter Gdocs (like templates, but better) that come with Power Hour to use on her own. The Starter Gdoc is what I personally use when I start writing emails. It’s a rough template guide. It has prompts in it. It lays out how I think about each email in the sequence. 

This client got 12.6X her investment for just one Power Hour, just from the early bird sales. We’re not even talking the whole thing yet! And we also outlined her email plan for the next four months until her live event actually happens. We’ve still got so much time to book out the event. 

We also talked about how to repurpose these emails that we wrote as social posts and other ways that they want to use them. So it’s not just one and done. They will also reuse these for the next year and future years, iterating off of them as they see success with them. 

Client Testimonial

Let’s hear it from the client. She said, “I love it. I learned a few tips about emails and to watch you was very, very helpful. It’s given me tools to help me be a better copywriter, and it got me started in the right direction. I actually really like this, because I am learning things, I watched you work and watched the process, and that was super helpful in itself.” 

That has been such an unexpected benefit of doing these Power Hour sessions! I am so energized when I am in them, we just get in flow together. You brain dump. and I write. Magic happens—or at least that’s what it feels like. I don’t like that word “magic,” because I’m very scientific. But we get in flow together, and that in itself, is so powerful to see what comes out of it. And time flies by! We got so much written and so many ideas generated. That hour was so much better spent than: 

  • you banging your head against the wall, 
  • feeling like you don’t have anything to write, 
  • don’t know what to talk about, 
  • don’t know how to word it

…and all of that trash that comes up in our minds when we’re trying to write. 

Now let’s go behind the scenes of what a Power Hour actually looks like to experience the benefits of done-with-you copywriting sessions so you can decide if that is a good choice for you or not. 

Behind The Scenes of a Power Hour To Write Effective Email Campaigns (With Examples!)

Here’s what you can expect during a DWY Power Hour Session.

  1. The Initial Brain Dump

The first thing is that we do an initial brain dump in the Starter GDoc. It’s like a template for you to dump your thoughts prior to our meeting. Then I like to look at it before our call. That way, I am on the same page, and we’re ready to roll as soon as our hour together starts. And the great thing about the Starter GDoc is that it’s almost like buckets to pour your brain dump into. So it’s more organized, and gives us a starting point, something to work from. And even if you don’t brain dump at all prior to our session, I will help you brain dump as we get started together to get ideas flowing. 

  1. Review of Who Your Ideal Client Is (And Isn’t!)

I know this sounds like a snooze fest, but it is so important. Here’s why: There are so many shiny objects out there. So many things you could do. But actually, the most profitable thing for you to do is revisit the basics. 

The image that always comes to mind is Kobe playing basketball. He did dribbling drills at every stage of his career. From learning the game as a kid to high school, college, and pro, he never outgrew dribbling drills or shooting free throws. He still did push-ups. No athlete outgrows those things, no matter their level. Similarly, no matter how high your business revenue or profit gets, you never outgrow knowing your ideal client avatar and how they evolve with you. It’s always valuable to talk about. So we do a quick talk about who your ideal client is and who they are not. How have they changed? 

For example, with this client, we were talking specifically about what level these people were at in their business and in their craft. So in this one particular example, we were talking to photographers who are not new to the craft. They know how to work their gear. They know how to do lighting. It wasn’t about that. It was more about how they can make this more of an efficient business. So we were talking to a very specific person, what level of business they were in, and also what level of their craft as a photographer that they were at. And it was really cool to get that specific. (And with ticket sales coming in, it’s working!)

  1. Take A Holistic View For Effective Email Campaigns

We also take a holistic approach to the marketing plan. We review the sales page to see where we direct people after they click in the emails. We make sure everything is seamless and coherent. This view ensures that all elements work together seamlessly to maintain consistency and improve conversions. This approach involves aligning messaging across emails, sales pages, and other materials, ensuring a smooth and intuitive customer journey. By cross-reviewing content, we can identify and reinforce key messages and reduce friction. This leads to a cohesive and effective strategy that maximizes the impact of your marketing efforts, ultimately driving better engagement and higher conversion rates.

  1. Getting In Flow Together

You never get writer’s block. I am either prompting you with questions or pulling content out of you until we get going and then we just flow. 

You don’t have to do any mental heavy lifting. All you do is brain dump your thoughts. Like, what are you trying to say? What do you want to say? You can say it as ineloquently as possible. You just word vomit it all out. And I hold space for that. 

While you are brain dumping all your thoughts, I am typing on a Google Doc while screen sharing with you on Zoom. I’m pulling out copy like: 

  • “This could be an email in itself”
  • “Oh, there’s a hook right there” 
  • “That could be a subject line” 

I am typing away rapidly as you are sharing these things. In full copywriter mode, I am formatting it into copywriting that is actually publishable for you. And it’s super fun!

Benefits of DWY (Done With You) Copywriting Sessions

My done-with-you copywriting sessions happen in a Power Hour right now. Here are some of the things that previous clients have said about these sessions…

  1. Develop Your Copywriting Skills…By Actually Doing it (with support!)

    You are growing as a copywriter as we actually get your copywriting done at the same time. I’m literally writing on the Google Doc as you are speaking, doing the copywriting right then and there. We are making it happen. And in this particular case study, the client was jotting down notes. She said she learned so much just from going through this process, which really increased her confidence moving forward as well. 

Seeing how my brain worked how I thought about things in real time was super helpful for her to get momentum to continue writing her emails after our session. 

  1. Give Form To Your Ideas With Clarity

Sometimes you just don’t know how to say it. Maybe this idea is floating around in your head, but then once we start talking about it and have this little back and forth conversation, only then does that idea come out more clearly. Like, I’ve had people say to me before of like, wow, I’ve thought this, but I’ve never actually articulated it before. After we have a conversation about it, and I’m just like, Yes, this is going to make such good copy.

3. A Tried-And-True Process

“You’ve clearly done this a lot,” the client noted during our session. One of the things I always do (with permission of course) is record audio on Because sometimes when you just start talking about it, and we get excited. Then you say THE THING—like, that was it!! That was the thing I’ve been trying to say! Or that was the hook. And then you say it, and we’re like, “Okay, wait, what did you say? Again? What was that exact wording?” So then it is recorded, so that we can go back and actually capture that thought and the exact wording.

Fun fact: Taylor Swift does something similar when she is writing new songs. She records her songwriting sessions through voice memos on her phone (Source: Bustle).

4. Actionable Plan For Future Copywriting  Needs

She also got to ask other types of questions to help her out in the future, as we planned for the long term of this email sequence and how she’s going to email her list over the next four months leading up to this live event. So she asked things about like:

  • How frequently to send emails?
  • How long should they be?
  • What order should the emails be sent in?
  • How to use the PS in an email. (This is often overlooked!)

5. Keep The Right Perspective And Stay In Your CEO Energy

When you are trying to do your own copywriting, there’s so much at stake for you. You are anticipating how much you need to make from this launch and the ways that this launch is going to benefit you and help you reach YOUR goals. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it does make it hard to think about how this  is going to benefit your audience. The ideal client needs to be at the heart of all copywriting.

This is why even copywriters hire other copywriters! No matter how good of a copywriter that you are, it’s about the mindset that you are in. Having that objective third party is so helpful to keep the focus on:

  • Why do they care?
  • Why does this matter to them?
  • Why is this so important?

    …And to see that from this perspective of the buyer!

3 Key Techniques and Strategies To Craft Effective Email Campaigns (With Examples!)

Crafting effective email campaigns requires a blend of strategic thinking, empathetic messaging, and a touch of psychology. With real-world examples and practical tips, these strategies will help you create compelling emails that resonate with your audience and drive results.

  1. Identify The Bigger Picture Through The Details

As an objective third party, I can pick out what’s actually most important. You as the business owner, are often so bogged down in all the details that it is hard to see the forest for the trees. That means you it is so hard for you to see the bigger picture, because you are in all of the details. You know too much! I am there to help you translate to give your ideal client exactly what they need. To keep the copywriting concise, I help you give form to your thoughts. You simply fill in the blanks during our conversation with what your ideal client would actually say.

As you’re chatting away, I am pulling out the hooks and writing down the things that jump out to me as if I were the ideal client. I put the hat on as if I was them and think, “what do I need to hear?” While you are talking, I am actively listening and taking notes on our shared Google Doc.  I’m thinking, “Okay, this could be an email in itself.” Or, “we would need to start from here to meet them where they’re at.”  

I am writing it for you in real time, as you are just naturally talking about the workshop (or whatever it is that we would be writing for you)

  1. Stop Playing Small

And another big thing here that I remind you of your greatness. You won’t get stuck in your head, you won’t overthink, and we don’t let that doubt creep in. Because I’m getting excited for you. I’m hearing you talk about those things, and I’m like, “Oh, yes, THIS is what needs to be said!” That is the kind of energy you need to keep as you are writing, because people can absolutely tell when you’re faking it. And they can tell when you are so into it and so on fire and passionate and lit up about what you’re talking about. This made all the difference for my client April during her launch as well.

  1. Build In Honest Urgency

I talked a little bit about this in the event copywriting episode. It’s about how can you use psychology that is proven to work and in a way that is still in alignment with your integrity.

And some people don’t even want to touch urgency or scarcity with a 10 foot pole, and that is totally fine. Purely from a quantitative perspective, adding urgency in your copywriting boosts conversions. Period. However, that’s not the only thing to consider in this conversation. This is another whole conversation beyond the scope of this article, but I want to put that option out there for you. 

Overcoming Copywriting Challenges In A Power Hour Session

Discover how an outside perspective can distill your ideas into concise, impactful copy, keeping your messaging clear and engaging without the hassle of writer’s block or getting bogged down in unnecessary details.

  1. Manage The Overwhelm

As an objective third party, I can pick out what is actually most important. You as the business owner are often so bogged down in all the details that it’s harder for you to see. You want to say all the things. Everything feels so important and so integral. How do you ever keep your copywriting concise? How do you not write an entire essay for each email?

People are reading these quick they’re scrolling on their phones, while they’re in the grocery line, while they are the school pickup line. So you’ve got to write with that in mind. 

  1. Keep It Concise And Stop Being So Wordy

Because it’s so hard for you as the business owner to see the big picture since you’re in the weeds with all the details, a copywriter  can quickly and easily pick out what actually needs to be said.  A copywriter provides a way you can say it that encapsulates the vibe and what you’re going for without being verbose.

I am notorious for holding space for my clients. They’re trying to articulate their message, and then I simply reflect back to them what they’re saying. They’re like, “Yeah, that’s it. You just said what I was trying to say in like one sentence.” That’s what I do! I love it. I am a listener through and through. Listening did not always feel like a superpower when I was growing up. But as a copywriter, that is absolutely my superpower. I can take what you were saying, especially if you’re a verbal processor (as many of my clients are!) and I turn that into powerful , concise copy. I whittle away everything else and show, in one sentence, here’s what you’re trying to say. 

  1. Prevent Writer’s Block

You never get stuck or distracted or writer’s block because I am asking you questions and keeping you on track, and you just answer them naturally. These answers are not difficult to come up with. It is not a test. You naturally share your experieinces. And I then turn those responses into copy that you feel good about publishing. There’s never any writer’s block, because I can just ask you a question, pointing you in the right direction. You chat about it. I ask you another question, in the direction that we need to go. 

  1. Avoid Going Down Rabbit Holes

It’s so easy to get into “what about this? What about that?” I run a tight ship and keep you from going down the rabbit holes. We stay focused on what actually needs to be said, what is going to convert.

Especially with my experience in this industry, I am very familiar with:

  • what works
  • what doesn’t
  • what’s been said a million times
  • what all the other coaches out there are saying
  • what makes you different!

When you say something that’s different, that stands out to me. That is something we need to emphasize. We need to talk more about that. Then I’ll ask you more questions about that particular aspect. And to you, you’re like, “Well, isn’t this normal? Doesn’t everyone know this?!”  Nope! This is your superpower. It feels normal to you. It feels like breathing air to you, but not to everyone else.

  1. Stop Wondering “Where Do I Even Start?”

How do you even begin? Power hours are a great way to get started. It’s not a huge commitment, but it gets you going. It gets the wheels turning. It gets your emails written and done. The rest are outlined. You have a plan, you have momentum, and you can carry from there anything that we don’t finish.

This is where I get to start asking questions too. I’m extracting and pulling out information from you. You’re just talking naturally. And for me, it’s my strategic brain working out how to put that into an email. Literally in real time, I am typing on your Google Doc while you’re just word vomiting. And turn I am turning it into actual copywriting that you can press send on. 

Write Effective Email Campaigns More Quickly and Easily With A Power Hour

This case study demonstrates how a single Power Hour copywriting session can transform your email campaigns. In this case, my client made $6,000 in revenue from just six emails.

By investing in a copywriter, this client saw over 12x ROI…from an event they had to cancel last year due to lack of sales. The Power Hour sessions not only produced high-quality emails but also equipped the client with valuable copywriting skills and a clear marketing plan for future effective email campaigns.

Experience these benefits and elevate your marketing with a Power Hour session. Book your Power Hour now and let’s create effective email campaigns (or a sales page!) that drive results and boost your revenue.


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