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Get Consistent Sales For Group Programs—Even Between Launches! with Michelle Vroom

Learn how to create consistent sales for group programs with Michelle Vroom's proven strategies using Facebook groups and effective engagement techniques.

“What if only one person buys my group program?” Let’s call out the elephant in the room: this is one of the biggest fears when launching a group program. If it feels like you’re launching into silence, let me assure you of this: Your audience IS watching. Even if you’re not getting high engagement, potential clients are observing how you interact with and lead your community. Today, we’re talking about how to create consistent sales for group programs by turning your audience into eager participants ready to join your program. 

Imagine having a space where you can interact directly with your audience, building trust and rapport in real time. This kind of familiarity makes it so much easier for them to say yes when you’re ready to launch. 

That is one reason why Facebook groups (or a similar platform that builds community) are one good way to foster genuine connections. They allow potential clients to engage with you long before they invest in your services. Plus, a Facebook group transforms your program launch into what can feel like a celebration, energizing your audience and creating excitement around your offer.

Leverage Facebook groups (or a similar community) effectively to create consistent sales for group programs.

Michelle Vroom is known for her successful use of Facebook groups…but it’s not just about that. She is a seasoned business coach with over 20 years of experience in marketing and PR and 8+ years as a business owner. Through her experience, Michelle has guided many clients to expand beyond six figures by introducing leveraged offers like group programs. She empowers women to support their families and believes every woman should have the ability to attract clients whenever they desire, despite facing challenges like limited resources and time.  Adding a group program was crucial for maintaining her income, even while raising three boys.

In this episode, we’ll explore how to leverage Facebook groups (or a similar community) effectively to create consistent sales for group programs. From maintaining engagement between launches to showcasing the value of your program, you’ll learn practical tips that resonate with your audience and keep your pipeline full. 

Use Facebook Groups To Create Consistent Sales For Group Programs

Facebook groups are uniquely suited to creating consistent sales for group programs because they build trust quickly and effectively. In today’s industry, buyers are savvier. They’ve often worked with multiple coaches and programs. This makes building trust more crucial than ever before.

A Facebook group allows for real-time back-and-forth rapport, fostering genuine relationships. It’s a space where potential clients can engage with you as their coach before they’ve even paid. This familiarity makes it easier for them to commit when the time comes.

Launching within a group also feels like a celebration. You create a sense of community, excitement, and energy—key ingredients for a successful group program launch. When people feel like they’re part of something bigger, they’re more likely to engage and sign up.

Facebook groups aren’t the only way to generate consistent sales for group programs, but they are a proven method. You can efficiently market to a larger audience, go live, and connect with potential clients, all while maintaining a sense of community. That efficiency leads to momentum, which translates into more sales. 

“What If Only One Person Buys My Group Program?”

One of the most common fears when selling a group program is, “What if only one person buys?” 

Here’s the thing: selling group programs requires a slightly different approach than selling one-on-one services. You need to market to a larger audience because you want multiple clients, not just one. To create consistent sales for group programs, it’s all about building relationships with a broader group of people.

This is where having an engaged community comes in. By marketing to hundreds of people at once—through Facebook groups or other platforms—you increase your chances of filling your program. Posting, going live, and interacting with your audience allows you to build rapport without having individual conversations with every single person. It’s a more efficient way to generate demand and ensure you’re consistently filling spots, both during and between launches.

A community like a Facebook group also gives you the chance to show up as their coach before they’ve hired you. People start to see you as their guide, making the decision to invest in your program feel natural. So, don’t let the fear of “only one person” hold you back. With the right strategy, you’ll create consistent sales for your group programs!

Make Launching FUN To Create Consistent Sales For Group Programs

Let’s be real—launching can feel stressful. There are a lot of moving pieces, and sometimes we forget it should be fun! But your energy during a launch matters. This is not just “woo.” People can feel your excitement or lack thereof, whether it’s through live videos or even your written copy.

If you’re just checking off boxes, you’re likely checked out. And give yourself grace because that happens. But showing up with genuine enthusiasm will create a huge difference. Your audience can sense when you’re fully present and excited about your offer. That energy makes them more excited to join.

One reason launching feels overwhelming is that many people don’t build up momentum beforehand. They haven’t grown their community or audience, which makes launching feel heavier. To create consistent sales for group programs, you need to have an engaged group of people before your launch even begins. When you’ve built those relationships, marketing becomes a lot more fun and a lot less stressful.

So, make sure you’re showing up with excitement. When you enjoy the process, you’ll see better results, and your launches will create those consistent sales for your group programs!

Create Consistent Sales Between Launches, Too!

A common misconception is that sales only happen during launches. But you can create consistent sales for group programs in between launches too! Here’s how.

First, keep using your launch-style model to build momentum and test your messaging. It’s all about creating demand. Even after your launch ends, people are still watching and interested. So, keep showing up.

  1. Document what’s happening inside your program. Share photos and stories weekly about what your clients are learning or experiencing. This taps into FOMO, but in a way that’s genuine and engaging. Urgency and scarcity can be done in integrity (more on that here!).

  2. Don’t wait until the program ends to share success stories. Highlight breakthroughs in the first 30 days. Have clients share their experiences throughout the program. They will naturally speak to the questions, doubts, and concerns. Talk about outcomes, day to day breakthroughs. The small things can be very powerful, too! That’s what gets people reaching out to you. 

Address the questions and doubts your audience has. Speak to their concerns. Small daily wins are incredibly powerful in making them feel connected to your program. And don’t forget to include a clear CTA like, “Reach out if you’re interested in joining!”

Before you automate…

Talk to potential clients in the DMs or on sales calls. This is a must before you automate! You’ll gather insights that help you refine your messaging even more. From there, reverse-engineer your launch goals—driving them to your event, then into sales conversations. This strategy leads to consistent sales for group programs without feeling overwhelming. 

Most importantly, remember your messaging should come from a place of service and gratitude. When your messaging comes from a place of gratitude and service, it naturally attracts the right clients. Keep sharing, keep engaging, and sales will follow!

Examples of Effective Marketing Strategies For Consistent Sales For Group Programs

Michelle had a client who had a great launch in June. She signed up many people, but not everyone said yes right away. It’s easy to feel disappointed when leads don’t commit during the launch. But here’s the thing: just because someone doesn’t sign up immediately doesn’t mean they aren’t interested.

She continued connecting with those leads after the launch. By July, four of them joined her program. Why? Because she stayed engaged and didn’t give up. She even offered a special behind-the-scenes bonus, which kept the momentum going. 

This is the key to creating consistent sales for group programs. You’re either selling for the next launch or tapping into the readiness of people who don’t need a deadline. They’ll join when they hit their tipping point.

You don’t have to choose between a launch model and an evergreen model. 

You can (and totally should) do both! Launches build excitement and urgency, but continuing the conversation in between keeps interest alive.

The best part? Talking about what you’re already doing is the easiest content to create. After coaching sessions or group calls, share the wins and breakthroughs that light you up. It’s so natural because you’re already excited about it. Why complicate it when you can simply share your energy and enthusiasm?

This approach not only keeps your content fresh but also encourages consistent sales for group programs without feeling overwhelming.

Make It Easy For Clients To Join And Make Consistent Sales For Your Group Program

You know that feeling you get after a great client call, right? You’re lit up, inspired, and excited about the breakthroughs they’ve had. That’s the best time to create content. Even if you can’t write right away, jot down ideas while the energy is fresh. Capture that feeling so you can tap into it later.

Here’s why this works so well: you’re coming from a place of service. You’re thrilled about helping your clients and using your expertise to guide them. You’re not thinking, “I hope they buy from me,” because they’ve already invested. You’re focused on serving them, and that gratitude shines through.

This is the same energy you need to bring to your content if you want consistent sales for group programs. When you create content from a place of service, it feels natural and authentic. It’s not about “getting more people in,” but about genuinely wanting to help those who resonate with your offer.

This is one way to focus on helping instead of selling. That’s how you build trust and create consistent sales for group programs. People can feel the difference when you write from a place of gratitude and service, and that’s what makes your message magnetic.

If you ever feel stuck, take a moment to reflect on why you’re passionate about what you do. Reconnect with that mission. When you write from that space, the words will flow, and your audience will feel it. And that’s what helps fill your group programs with ease.

Example of How To Shift Your Energy for Consistent Sales for Group Programs

One of Michelle’s clients recently relaunched her group program after an initial flop. The first time, not a single spot sold. They worked through why it didn’t land, tweaking her messaging and content. Last week, they focused on her energy and mindset. She wasn’t feeling the passion that made her program special. 

We worked through it, and by the end of the call, Michelle could visibly see the change in her. Her body language shifted, and she started feeling excited again. Fast forward to today, and she sold her first spot. It’s not surprising given the shift she experienced!

Here’s the thing: when you’re excited and passionate about what you’re offering, sales will follow. You might not know exactly when, but that shift in energy makes a difference. Suddenly, everything feels easier. Writing content, going live, and reaching out to leads no longer feels like a chore.

This shift is key for consistent sales for group programs. When you feel aligned with your offer, potential clients feel that too. When you show up excited to serve – without the pressure to perform – that’s when consistent sales become a natural result.

Create Consistent Sales For Group Programs By Being Your Own Best Copywriter

Michelle has a unique talent: she is her own best copywriter! Back in December 2022, I emailed her about her great subject lines because I was constantly adding them to my swipe file! When I asked who her copywriter is, she humbly replied, “Thank you for the compliment! That copywriter is me :)”

How does she do it? Even if you are a great copywriter, it is so tough to write your OWN copy because you cannot “read the label from inside the jar.” Even copywriters need copywriters because we can get too close to our own business. So, what’s her secret?

Her background in public relations plays a big role. She had to pitch busy reporters who were scrolling through their inboxes. It forced her to master the art of grabbing their attention. While she does not consider herself a natural copywriter, she excels at expressing herself through words. Writing comes naturally to her, and her love language is words of affirmation.

She puts herself in her audience’s shoes, always asking, “What do they need to hear?” She pairs that with her excitement to share. This combination leads to effective copy that resonates.

She has also invested in copywriters and messaging strategists, understanding that the emotional connection to her business can cloud her perspective. She’s not afraid to write bad copy and experiment. She shows up consistently, posting and going live, which allows her skills to develop and grow.

Don’t Be Afraid To Write “Bad” Copy

Embrace the idea of showing up and writing “bad” copy. No copy is truly bad. Some pieces may not land as well with her audience, but don’t let that discourage you. Instead, focus on serving your people and observe their reactions.

Sometimes they respond positively, and sometimes they don’t. When they do engage, take note. This feedback helps you identify topics that resonate with your audience. Gather the data to focus on what truly matters.

Consistently show up to post and go live. One underwhelming post or a less-than-perfect live session doesn’t throw Michelle off course. This willingness to experiment fuels her growth. Mastery develops through practice, and she welcomes every opportunity to improve.

This mindset is vital for creating consistent sales for group programs. By prioritizing connection and genuine engagement, she builds relationships that attract clients. Her audience feels her passion and enthusiasm, making her offerings irresistible.

When To DIY Your Copywriting 

Every business owner should DIY their copywriting at first. Writing your own copy helps you develop essential copy and messaging skills. Learn to enjoy copywriting and use it to achieve initial success. Then, you can outsource copywriting – not because you feel inadequate – but because your time and talent are better spent elsewhere. At that point, it may be more wise to stay in your zone of genius—coaching and serving clients. That’s when you can find a copywriter who understands their voice, message, and mission.

To successfully work with a copywriter, you need to establish your brand so that it is easier to transition into your unique voice. A copywriter can more effectively capture your tone when you have already created plenty of examples of what resonates with your audience. As you are in this process, Copy Critique Club is a great place to still get support in your copy—without outsourcing it completely.

Michelle warns against the mentality of “I just want to hire a copywriter to take this off my plate.” This approach rarely leads to success. Clients must provide direction and clarity about their messaging. A copywriter enhances existing ideas and contributes fresh perspectives, but they can’t figure out your messaging for you. Some copywriters can support you in the market research process, but ultimately there are decisions only YOU can make as the business owner.

Business owners who say, “I’m terrible at writing copy,” set themselves up for failure. This mindset stifles creativity and makes writing feel daunting. Instead, they should embrace the process and learn what resonates with their audience. Collecting feedback and data from sales conversations is crucial.

When to hire a DFY copywriter

When it’s time to hire a DFY copywriter, you need a solid foundation of understanding about your audience. You can’t expect a copywriter to create effective messaging without this insight. You must take ownership of your messaging and show up consistently. If you don’t, you’ll feel disappointed with the results.

Michelle emphasizes the importance of paying for services that save time and energy, but not as a way to avoid responsibility. Hiring a copywriter should come after validating your ideas. This way, you can collaborate to refine your messaging and drive consistent sales for group programs. Remember, you can’t build a house on crumbling sand. Invest in a solid foundation to achieve the results you want.

Hiring A Copywriter

When Michelle hires copywriters, she provides them with valuable data and insights to build on what she already has. This includes access to existing clients and recordings of discovery calls. Michelle does the legwork to create effective messaging. There’s no way around this preparation.

Being curious about what resonates with your audience makes a big difference. Instead of putting pressure on yourself to write perfect copy, focus on exploration. When you feel pressured to create a single piece of copy to sell your program, it often backfires. That stress can lead to disappointing results and hinder your journey toward consistent sales for group programs.

Michelle emphasizes that hiring a copywriter is a great goal, but timing matters. If you aren’t ready, you risk wasting your investment. She often tells clients that they may not be ready for a copywriter yet.

Understanding what type of copywriter you need is crucial. Not all copywriters offer the same services. Some focus solely on writing, while others incorporate messaging strategy into their approach. Knowing the difference helps you make informed decisions. When you hire the right person at the right time, you set yourself up for success and drive consistent sales for group programs.

If you’re looking for a copywriter who also understands messaging and marketing strategy, check out my Services Guide.

Connect With Our Guest, Michelle Vroom

Michelle Vroom is a seasoned business coach with over 20 years of experience in marketing and PR and 8+ years as a business owner. She specializes in helping female entrepreneurs achieve six-figure incomes, empowering them to support their families. Michelle believes every woman should have the ability to attract clients whenever they desire, despite facing challenges like limited resources and time. She shares effective strategies for visibility and relationship building that lead to client growth.

Through her experience, Michelle has guided many clients to expand beyond six figures by introducing leveraged offers like group programs. Having once faced similar limitations in her own business, she emphasizes that adding a group program was crucial for maintaining her income, even while raising three children.

Known for her successful use of Facebook groups, Michelle creates a community where women can connect, share insights, and discuss simplifying marketing. She advocates for relationship-driven marketing and offers a refreshing, straightforward approach to messaging and business growth. Her Facebook group, Market Like a Boss, fosters meaningful conversations and supports women navigating similar challenges in marketing and copywriting. Michelle aims to be transparent about her journey in running a multiple six-figure business, offering valuable perspectives and encouragement along the way.


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