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How To Capture Attention With Headlines In A Distracted Digital World

The sole purpose of a headline is to grab your reader’s attention. 

Here are 9 ways to write headlines that are based on human psychology and incite curiosity to keep reading.

1. Eliminate risk and loss. Most people will fight to avoid losing something that they already own than to gain something that they do not have.

Example: “A Little Mistake That Cost A Farmer $3000 A Year”

2. Tell a story. Humans learn best through narrative, and allows them to see themselves receiving the same benefit in the story, too.

Example: “The Teacher Who Won The Hearts Of All”

3. Ask a question to which people want to read the answer, or issue a challenge that is difficult to ignore. It should be open-ended, and not dismissed with a quick yes or no answer.

Example: “Do you make these mistakes in [your niche]?” or “Who else wants a beach body for the summer?”

4. Be specific. Use exact amounts when applicable, or call out directly to whom you are speaking. The goal is to make your Dream Client feel like you are talking directly to them.

Example: “Doctors prove 2 out of 3 women can have more beautiful skin in 14 days”

5. Be contrarian. Consider a common problem in your niche. Challenge a belief with proof and evidence-based arguments.

Example: “Why we don’t need talent to succeed”

6. Use the word YOU (or “your” or “yourself”). It can call out the reader as if you are talking directly to her. It can also be used allow the reader to see that “you can do it, too!” If you study 100 different headlines, “you” is likely to be the most common word you’ll find!

Example: “Does your child ever embarrass you?”

7. Pinpoint pain. Often we want to accentuate the positive, but it can be more powerful to avoid the negative. When you confront the reader with a pain they want to avoid, it arouses a fear that moves them to action.

Example: “Bad boundaries make bad business”

8. Point out the prestige. Pride of accomplishment, greater popularity, praise from others, and social advancement are all strong personal desires that can be connected to the particular advantages of the product or service that you are selling.

Example: “New cake-improver gets you compliments galore!”

9. Tease by giving a preview and leave them wanting more.

Example: “This two-minute daily routine is guaranteed to increase your business’ bottom line.”

Have you used any of these headlines? Link to your article or blog post below if you have!


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