How To Relax Without Reducing Rest To Productivity

Learn how to relax and embrace rest as a high-achiever. It's not just about productivity! Discover joy, high-quality leisure, and work-life balance you crave.

“Rest is productive!” You’ve heard it before—and while it’s true, it doesn’t tell the whole story of how to relax. Rest isn’t just about recharging so that you can work harder. It’s knowing that the most worthwhile use of your time is to truly pause, breathe, delight and enjoy. It sounds so simple. When was the last time you felt genuinely relaxed? Was it on vacation, away from the endless pings of email and Slack?

In this episode, I’m going to explore the real reason why it’s so hard for you to stop and rest—and how to finally let go, even during the holidays. Spoiler alert: it’s not just about boosting productivity (though that is a great perk for sure). I’m reminded of our episode with Dr. Shamieka Dean who shared a powerful reminder: your worth isn’t defined by your to-do list. It’s rooted in knowing who you are at your core. Knowing you’re enough brings a unique peace, freeing you to pivot without fear or doubt. 

True wealth lies in embracing your identity, not just financial success. When you know this deeply in your bones, it frees you to finally stop chasing more at all costs. This shift doesn’t just make rest easier—it sets you free. It’s a deeper freedom than the time, money, and location freedom that we’re chasing as entrepreneurs.

Does Rest Increase Productivity?

Yes, of course. You are less likely to make errors and omissions when you get enough sleep (Source: Sleep Foundation). While this is a great benefit of rest, it misses the point. 

The point is to delight in your work and what you have made. Our busy hustle culture has made it seem silly to prioritize JOY—and then we miss the whole point. We think joy is for “one day” in the future when we “get there”…and we miss that it’s for NOW too.

I don’t want to be so focused on chasing those ever changing goal posts that we miss what is right in front of us. Otherwise, what is this all for? In this episode, I’m going to share with you exactly how to relax as an ambitious business owner juggling multiple roles—without feeling like you don’t have enough time or that you’re falling behind. When you do this, you’ll be able to finally be fully present to your work AND fully present to your family. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want either one to ever only get half of me.

So let’s talk about both sides of rest: one reason is that yes, rest is productive. But don’t miss the other reason: how to relax, find peace and joy, and delight exactly where you are—even if it’s not yet where you want to be.

Rest Is A Strategic Advantage For Aligned, Inspired Copy That Actually Performs Well

Great storytelling is often a compelling piece of copywriting. And the best stories come from when you are actually out there living your life. When you’re rested, you’re not just physically rejuvenated—you’re mentally and emotionally open to inspiration, fresh perspectives, and innovative ideas. 

Better copywriting is fueled by joyful rest because rest allows your mind to recharge, refocus, and reconnect with creativity. Here’s how joyful rest contributes directly to better copywriting:


      1. Clarity of Thought
        Rest helps clear mental clutter, enabling you to think more strategically and articulate ideas with precision. You can better distill complex concepts into compelling messages.

      1. Creative Flow
        Creativity thrives in a well-rested brain. Joyful rest—whether it’s through play, hobbies, or relaxation—sparks your imagination and allows new ideas to flow effortlessly.

      1. Empathy and Connection
        When you’re rested and joyful, you’re more attuned to your audience’s needs, emotions, and desires. This deeper connection enables you to write copy that resonates authentically.

      1. Increased Confidence
        Joyful rest replenishes your energy and self-belief. When you’re confident, it reflects in your copy, making it more powerful.

      1. Strategic Thinking
        Rest provides the mental bandwidth to step back and see the bigger picture, allowing you to craft messaging that aligns with long-term goals and brand strategy.

      1. Sustainable Creativity
        Overworking leads to burnout, which stifles creativity. Prioritizing rest ensures you can consistently produce high-quality, impactful copy without sacrificing your well-being.

    When you look at it this way, joyful rest isn’t just a luxury—it’s a strategic advantage. It empowers you to show up for your craft with energy, passion, and clarity, ultimately resulting in copy that both performs well AND feels aligned and inspired. You get to have BOTH.

    So how does this actually happen? What does it look like?

    How To Relax: A Day of Rest As A Weekly Rhythm

    Every week, I take one full day—usually Saturday for my family, but the actual day doesn’t matter—to slow down, unplug, and savor the simple joys already present in your life. This idea is not new. Being Boss calls is a mandatory lazy day. Christians call it the Sabbath. Productivity experts encourage rest. But to actually put it into practice and not just let it be a nice idea for another day…that is radical.

    And let me tell you: this day of rest is absolutely the best day of the week, every single week. It fuels my work and it reminds me of who I am beyond my work. I don’t have to detach my identity from my work, I see it as just one layer of who I am. It’s a layer I get to peel back so I can remind myself of who I really am at my core—beyond my achievements, accomplishments, and accolades.

    So what do you actually do on this day of rest? Sit around and twiddle your thumbs? Nope. 

    The idea of high-quality leisure from Cal Newport’s book, Digital Minimalism, changed how I view leisure. Do you feel refreshed after binging Netflix or doom-scrolling? Probably not. High-quality leisure nourishes us deeply. That can include a casual bike ride, gardening, laughing with friends who get you, or breathing in fresh air on a hike. It can look like swimming in the lake, picking up your paint brush or musical instrument, building something in your garage. Those activities give us such a deeper level of satisfaction and fulfillment than a screen could ever offer.

    And I would argue that this day of rest is not an optional luxury; it’s the reset you truly need to be able to thrive.

    How Do You Maintain Work-Life Balance?

    My husband and I have practiced this for 6 or 7 years now and it has looked different in each stage of life. As newlyweds it looked different than in the newborn stage, and it looks different now with preschoolers. And it’s okay for this practice to change with the season of life you are in—that’s normal!

    I share my personal rhythms of rest (and what rest has looked like in different seasons of life) on the Tick Talk Podcast with Kali Brigham.

    Here’s what works for us. My phone stays on Do Not Disturb, tucked away out of sight. We begin with breakfast, a workout, and a playground picnic. Nap time follows for the youngest, while our oldest enjoys quiet time. The rest of the day includes gardening, baking, reading, painting, or outdoor play. Evenings end with dinner as a family and our bedtime routine. This will likely look different for you and your life stage—and it will likely look different again in a year from now. That’s okay. YOU get to decide what it looks like for you and how it evolves as you evolve.

    I don’t check emails, sneak in work, or scroll social media. Instead, I say yes to myself and my family. This intentional choice fills my cup and helps me return on Monday refreshed and excited. Once you start, you’ll crave your rest day. You’ll wonder how you ever went without it.

    How To Relax Without Losing Productivity?

    Now I know what you’re thinking… “I took time off, now I’m behind.” How do you take a day away, and not feel behind? The math doesn’t math. I get it.

    Let’s flip that. Taking time off doesn’t set you back—it sets you up. If you keep doing more, you are going to keep being busy. You feel like you cannot rest, but at the same time, you cannot afford not to. This is part of our design. It is biblical. Even God took a day off. In Genesis, we read that on the 7th day, he rested. God rested. And if God needed to rest…how much more do we?! (This idea is from John Mark Comer in his book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry).

    There’s a misconception that rest means you stop and do nothing. That’s not it. Rest means actively filling up your tank. What nourishes you? For me, it’s standing barefoot in the sunshine, breathing fresh air, and listening to my kids laugh. These moments are FREE and available NOW. It’s not when you get to a certain level of success in your business. It’s also for while you are on your way there. 

    Resting does not put you behind, it better positions you to do what you’ve been called to do. And now you can do it from a place of poise and restoration.  You’re no longer running on empty in any or all of the areas of your life.

    3 Small Steps To Rest Without Guilt Today

    If you’re new to this idea, here are three simple ways to get started:


        1. Put your phone away. Start with one hour. Hide it in a closet and set it to Do Not Disturb. (Pro tip: Track your Unplugged hours with Hannah Brencher!)

        1. Plan it in your calendar. I literally have it as a recurring event in my Google calendar. I plan a fun activity. Hike, hit the beach, or do something you genuinely love. Make it about joy and connection.

        1. Define your day of rest. Make a list of what you will and won’t do. It’s helpful to clearly define for yourself what you want it to look like. For example, things I do include: get outside, journal, take a bath, do my nails, read a book, do a gentle workout (side note: i actually love working out. I’m an athlete, always have been. Working out is a joy for me. If it’s not your thing, you don’t have to do it on your Sabbath). Things I don’t do include: check email, open my computer, scroll on my phone, go shopping, or spend money. We treat it as a no spend day because we want to live like what we already have is enough – because it is.

      Treat it as a day to embrace what you already have. It’s enough, and so are you.

      How To Relax Without Guilt

      Learning how to relax isn’t just about boosting productivity; it’s about reclaiming joy already present in your life. True rest goes beyond simply pausing. It’s an intentional choice to refuel your creativity, clarity, and connection to what truly matters. You can stop chasing “more” and start finding fulfillment right where you are.

      Incorporating a weekly day of rest—a day filled with high-quality leisure and meaningful moments—can transform your energy and mindset. Rest is not about doing nothing. It’s about engaging in activities that nourish your soul and bring genuine delight. Whether it’s hiking, gardening, or laughing with loved ones, rest helps you reconnect with your identity beyond achievements.

      This isn’t a luxury—it’s a strategic advantage. Rest fuels your creativity, sharpens your thinking, and allows you to show up fully. You don’t have to hustle nonstop to succeed. Instead, taking time to slow down helps you thrive in your business and life.

      Start small. Hide your phone in the closet. Plan one joyful activity. Prioritize rest so that you’ll feel restored, inspired, and ready to create with purpose. You’ll wonder why you waited so long to embrace this life-changing practice.

      Give it a try and tag me on Facebook or LinkedIn—I’m cheering for you!
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