“How will your writing match my voice?”

This is my favorite question to receive on Discovery Calls because it means that you are concerned with authenticity.

It makes me lean in a little closer when we have that value in alignment.

And I can assure you this…

The best compliment is when you look at my writing…and you can’t tell if I wrote it or if you did! 👯

There are three primary ways for a copywriter to take on your voice in a seamless transition:

1️⃣ Have a conversation with the client. I am listening for:

  • What kinds of words and phrases are used? 
  • Where do they fall on the spectrum from casual to professional?

2️⃣ Read the content they’ve already written.

  • Get a sense of length and communication style.
  • Look at how they want to be portrayed online.

3️⃣ Read other articles and blogs in their niche to learn the culture of that industry.

  • Learn niche-specific jargon and acronyms.
  • Understand what it is like to be immersed in their culture.

It doesn’t matter how similar or different the client is from my own personality.

When I use these techniques, I can write in a way that it sounds just like you. 

The way a writer adapts to your voice is similar to how an actress gets into character. 🎬 It’s more than just memorizing lines; they learn about the life of the character when they prepare for the role. And only after that can they take on the character’s voice convincingly when on stage. 🎭


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