Resources For Starting as a Copywriter

As a result of many inquiries from either:

  • small business owners who want to write their own copy, and
  • those interested in starting as a freelance copywriter…

I have compiled a short list of the best books that will get you started.

First, you need to learn the craft of copywriting (no matter how good of writer you are). Next, you need to learn the habits of being a consistent writer. And once you are confident that you can deliver on your services, you need to understand how to operate your business without burning out.

If you read these books, you will get a huge mindset shift in how you view writing and business. Enjoy the journey!

Books on the Craft of Copywriting

Copywriting is different from writing novels and it is different from the writing you did in English class at school. There are specific tactics, techniques, and formulas that make copywriting a unique style of writing. It takes more than simply being a “good writer.” The best copywriters also have an understanding of human psychology.

The best place to get started is the timeless book, How To Write A Good Advertisement by Victor O. Schwab. After that, Dan Kennedy is a well-respected master copywriter that digs deeper into the craft of good copy in his book The Ultimate Sales Letter.


Books on the Art of Writing

Written with personality, humor, and wit, both Natalie Goldberg in Writing Down The Bones and Anne Lamott in Bird By Bird share the realities of the writer’s life and how to overcome writer’s block and their best practices for getting your best writing on the page.

Books on Running Your Business

In The E-Myth, author Michael Gerber convincingly demonstrates that reaching success requires more than just the technical knowledge of how to complete the task. Russell Brunson’s Dot Com Secrets will help you start and scale your company online.

Get More Copywriting Support!

Get my step-by-step system I personally use to grow my copywriting business to surpass my 9-5 salary while working 20 hours a week (or less!). I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing exactly how online business took my ordinary life and gave me the freedom I hoped for. I’ll show you how having a thriving online copywriting business is 100% possible for you, too!

Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase, I may get a small commission (at no additional cost to you). I only promote products that I use and truly believe in. 


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