Your Content Planning Questions, Answered.

“How do I build content? I’m struggling with topics!”

This week, my inbox has been flooded with questions about content planning. 

People want to know what content to share with their audience. They want to know how to connect with their Dream Client consistently without running out of content ideas.

Chances are, you probably have these same types of questions. And maybe you’ve even spent some time on blogs, forums and around the web, trying to get answers. 

The problem is that there are so many conflicting answers out there.

For example, some people will tell you to batch all your posts, while others will tell you to respond to the needs of your community that come up that week. 

Some people – with the best intentions – will give you a whole list of generic content ideas, but you need something that is going to provide more specific value to your readers.

That’s why I’m sharing my six-step method to planning value-based content:

1️⃣ The best content starts with your reader in mind. Describe your Dream Client in more than 1-2 sentences.

2️⃣ Research the best performing content of others in your niche and look at what is trending in your industry.

3️⃣ Consider common questions and top objections to buying that you hear all the time, and address these in a blog post. That will become a long-term asset for future readers and prospects!

4️⃣ Write headlines that incite curiosity. It doesn’t matter how good your content is if no one reads beyond the headline (or clicks to open your email beyond the subject line). Read other blogs and sign up for other email lists to get a sense of headlines that work.

5️⃣ Create an editorial calendar. This could be using the calendar feature on Excel, a paper planner, or Trello boards. Consider a theme for certain days (I do “mindset Mondays” in my email list), or simply use the calendar to plan out ideas so that you are not scrambling to post in real time and so that you have a logical flow of ideas that you are sharing consistently.

6️⃣ Schedule your posts to publish at the time that your audience is active online. There are several services that offer scheduling for all types of social media, and this is a feature on email marketing platforms as well.

This doesn’t have to be a process that takes a whole lot of time. You could calendar a month’s worth of content in less than an hour.

You know more than the average person about your niche. And that means you can now share that value more confidently and resonate with your readers.

Want to chat more about how to apply this process in your business? Book a free, no-obligation, 15-min call here.


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