Case Study: Consistent Emails 5x’d Yummmm!Bar’s Email Revenue

In this case study, discover how consistent emails helped Yummmm!Bar 5x email revenue—while freeing up valuable time and mental space.

When I first started working with Yummmm!Bar, her main goal was to consistent emails to her subscribers. She had a loyal customer base, but her communication with them was sporadic at best. Sending emails only when inspiration struck made it difficult to stay connected with her audience. It also hindered the impact of her efforts.

We first started working together in August 2023 and have seen incredible results, including:

  • In the first 4 months, we made more money through email marketing than in the previous two years combined.

  • On average, she made about 5x more per email once we started working together.

  • Her email revenue for 2024 has already surpassed last year’s, even with all of Q4 remaining at the time of recording. (We haven’t even reached Black Friday yet, the highest revenue month statistically).

And this all happened in less than 1 hour per month of her time.

Her list size stayed the same (with normal fluctuations that are statistically insignificant). 

Let’s dive into how we did it. 

The Challenge: Making Connections and Sales Frequently With Consistent Emails

Before we worked together, she envisioned a steady, engaging content presence for Yummmm!Bar, beyond just selling bars. Her emails needed to inspire, motivate, and “give back to people in some form, via email.” She also wanted to share the story of the brand in a more compelling way that resonated with her audience. 

But, her emails to her list were not consistent. And that made her wonder if she was getting anywhere and if there was any return. She wasn’t sure how people felt about the emails since she didn’t get responses. And sometimes she just wrote when she “felt like it”…and it’s “hard to get people’s attention if you’re just doing it every so often.”

Consistency was a big part of the solution, but she also needed help creating shorter, high-energy messages that captured her voice and brand values. She wanted positive, high-vibe emails that reflected her values of mindfulness and being intentional to genuinely connect with her customers.

As someone who has loved writing, it was very important to her to have someone get her voice and tone just right. (And she’s not alone. This is one of the big hesitations I always hear from people considering hiring a copywriter. How can we master your authentic brand voice?)

“I wanted the emails to feel like me,” she shared, “positive and high energy, like a real conversation, not just ‘here, buy our bars.’”

The Solution: Amplifying Her Voice With Consistent Emails And An Authentic Approach

We jumped right in, making sure every email and blog post felt true to Yummmm!Bar’s vibe. That meant emails packed with the thoughtfulness behind how she creates her product, inspiration, and behind-the-scenes looks into the journey of her brand. Together, we crafted stories that helped customers connect with Yummmm!Bar on a deeper level. That ranged from sharing its 8-year history to the founder’s inspiring experiences with her community at farmers’ markets.

What made this process unique was our close collaboration. Each month, we hopped on a call to brainstorm ideas, discuss what was resonating with her audience, and plan ahead for new content. Sometimes she came in knowing exactly what she wanted to say in the emails. Other times she showed up with a blank page—and ideas started flowing in our conversation.

These sessions became a safe space where she could share her thoughts, and together we’d turn them into effective, engaging content. She described the process as feeling more like a partnership than a typical client-contractor relationship. Because it’s exhausting when everyone expects you to have all the answers as the business owner. (Can I get an amen?!). It’s helpful to have support in finding solutions and someone else thinking about increasing profit.

Here’s a one-minute snippet in her own voice:

“I feel like you have my back and understanding of my business and the appreciation. I feel like even from a deeper, spiritual level, we understand each other. I also love that you’re on top of it too, and organized. That helps a lot. And you get things pretty fast…It’s nice to brainstorm with you. I can come up with so many ideas, but to actually talk it out, and then you’re like, ‘Well, remember when you wrote this?’ Or ‘do you want to talk about this?’ That helps so much to feel like you’re more of a team player as opposed to a task taker.”

“It’s like therapy sometimes,” she said. “I get to share whatever’s in my head, and you help me figure it out. It’s not just about getting the tasks done; you really help me strategize.”

The Result: Consistent Email Sales in Her Authentic Brand Voice Through Strategic Partnership With A Copywriter

Since bringing consistent content to her email subscribers and blog, Yummmm!Bar has seen clear results. Her customers began responding more, with both engagement and more purchases. The content fostered deeper connections and community, whether through email replies or compliments at the farmers’ market. That resulted in the 5x email ROI.

One of her most memorable experiences was sharing the backstory of Yummmm!Bar. Customers loved learning about the brand’s roots, how it all started, and the journey that brought it to where it is today. The content was repurposed beyond emails. It became a resource for articles, her bio, website, and marketing materials. It increased her brand visibility and maximizes the use of created content, helping to reinforce the brand’s story and values in various formats and across multiple platforms.

A copywriter isn’t just someone to help you churn out words on the content hamster wheel. A great copywriter is a strategic partner and smart thinker to make the most out of all of the copy and content that is created. 

Moving Forward: Free Up Time And Mental Space With Consistent Emails

Our work helped her reach customers and freed her to focus on other parts of the business. She’s regained a sense of routine and stability in her business. Now, she has time and headspace to strategize bigger goals for next year.

“I feel like you have my back,” she said. “You’re not just a task-taker; you’re truly invested in Yummmm!Bar’s success.”

Through our work together, Yummmm!Bar has created a space where customers feel more connected to the brand and where she feels supported. Working with a strategic, enthusiastic copywriter has brought her more than marketing success—it’s brought peace of mind and freedom to grow her business.

Are you looking for a content partner who will go beyond task execution and help you strategically grow your brand’s impact? Whether your looking for more consistent emails, SEO blogs, or something else, check out my Services Guide and let’s make your message come to life.

Curious to see how we’ve helped other clients? Check out some of our other case studies:
Speaking Coach Is Present During Her Launch with Consistent 40% Open Rates
– How One Power Hour Session Turned Into $6000 From Effective Email Campaigns From Outdated Website to Elevated Brand In One Hour For A Luxury Wedding Photographer


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